Bueno hoy
queridos lectores vamos a hablar un poco más sobre motores en general
Los motores
aeronáuticos se dividen en tres tipos: motores alternativos,motores a reacción
y turbo-hélice. Los primeros son usados principalmente en aviación deportiva y
en pequeños aviones; los segundos son los llamados ‘’jets’’ y ocupan el mayor
volumen de negocio en la industria de los aeromotores. El último tipo de
motores son los turbo-hélice empleados en pequeños aviones comerciales y de transporte
Marcas importantes
La industria
de motores aeronáuticos está fundamentalmente representada por tres grandes
compañías a nivel mundial:
• General Electric, G.E., en Estados Unidos.
• Pratt and Whitney, P&W, en Estados Unidos y Canada.
• Rolls Royce, R&R, en Reino Unido.
• General Electric, G.E., en Estados Unidos.
• Pratt and Whitney, P&W, en Estados Unidos y Canada.
• Rolls Royce, R&R, en Reino Unido.
También en la
industria de motores, al igual que en el sector de las aerolíneas se han
producido movimientos de integración – absorción y alianzas puntuales en
distintos programas obedeciendo a la necesidad de compartir los enormes gastos
que hay que asumir para mantener tan alta tecnología en funcionamiento. Los más
significativos y más recientes han sido:
International formada por General Electric y por SNECMA para crear la familia de
motores CFM56, son líder mundial del sector (1974)
2. International
Aero Engines (IAE) formada por Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce, M.T.U., Fiat y
Japan Aero Enginnes para crear la familia de motores V2500 que equipa los
Airbus A319, A320 y A321 y el Boeing MD-90 (1983)
3. Alianza
entre GE, SNECMA, Fiat y IHI (Japón) para la fabricación del GE90, el motor mas
potente de la aviación capaz de producir (514 kN)
4. La compra
de Allison (Estados Unidos) por Rolls Royce (1995)
5. Engine
Alliance formada por General Electric y Pratt & Whitney para crear la
familia de motores GP7000, dando lugar al motor GP7200 disponible para el Airbus
A380 (1996)
6. La compra
de Honeywell-Allied Signal por G.E. Esta última supone la creación del grupo
fabricante de motores más potente del mundo y con la gama más amplia de motores
existente en la actualidad (2000)
7. La compra
de Turbomeca por SNECMA (2000)
8. La
creación del grupo SAFRAN, resultado de la unión de SNECMA moteurs y SAGEM
Algunas opciones para aerolíneas
En cuanto a
mercados, los grandes fabricantes venden a las aerolíneas sus aviones de
cualquier tamaño con la posibilidad de instalar motores de fabricantes
distintos o con una solo opción.
Por ejemplo:
El A320 puede
tener el V2500 de IAE o el CFM-56 mientras que los 737 (El avión más vendido en
el mundo con 8000 unidades construidas y más de 2000 entregas pendientes) de
última generación solo se venden con el CFM-56. Además de la posibilidad, que
tienen las compañías, de encargar los aviones con un motor u otro, pueden
encargar motores nuevos para renovar la planta motriz de aeronaves más
antiguas. El hecho de que la cuantía de los contratos sean tan importantes y a
largo plazo (un avión se diseña para 20-30 años y más, lo que implica la misma
duración de contrato para los motores nuevos y los recambios) crea una intensa
competencia entre los fabricantes, a pesar de haber tan pocos. Esto hace que se
creen alianzas entre dos o más fabricantes para luchar contra un tercero ya
instalado (caso del V2500 frente al CFM-56) o para el desarrollo de nuevos
Otro ejemplo,
es para el modelo A380, Airbus ofrece a las líneas aéreas dos plantas de
potencia diferentes: el Trent 900 de Rolls-Royce y el GP7200 de Engine Alliance
(compañía formada al 50% por GEAE y P&W) destinado al principio a un 747
mejorado (hoy el 747-8 con motores GEnx).
Adm: Agusdinger.
En ingles
Well dear readers today we'll talk a bit more about engines in general
The aircraft engines are divided into three types: reciprocating engines, jet engines and turbo - propeller. The former are used mainly in sports aviation and small aircraft ; the latter are called '' jets '' and occupy the highest turnover in the aero industry . The last type of engines are turbo prop used in small commercial and military transport aircraft.
The aero-engine industry is mainly represented by three large companies worldwide :
• General Electric, G. E. , in the United States.
• Pratt and Whitney , P & W , in the U.S. and Canada .
• Rolls Royce , R & R , in the UK.
Also in the engine industry , as in the airline industry , there have been movements of integration - absorption and specific alliances in different programs obeying the need to share the huge costs to be assumed to maintain as high tech operating . The most significant and most recent were:
1. CFM International formed by General Electric and SNECMA to create family of CFM56 engines are a global market leader (1974 )
2 . International Aero Engines ( IAE ) formed by Pratt & Whitney , Rolls Royce , MTU Aero Enginnes Fiat and Japan to create family V2500 engine that equips the Airbus A319 , A320 and A321 and Boeing MD -90 ( 1983)
3 . Partnership GE , SNECMA , Fiat and IHI (Japan) to manufacture the GE90 , the most powerful aviation engine capable of producing (514 kN ) (1990 )
4. Purchasing Allison (USA) Rolls Royce ( 1995)
5. Engine Alliance formed by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney to create Family GP7000 engines , leading to the GP7200 engine for the Airbus A380 available (1996 )
6. Purchasing Honeywell- Allied Signal by G. E. The latter involves the creation of manufacturing group of more powerful engines in the world with the widest range of existing engines at present ( 2000)
7. Purchasing by SNECMA Turbomeca (2000 )
8. Creation of the SAFRAN group , resulting from the union of SAGEM and SNECMA Moteurs (2005 )
Some options for airlines
As to markets , major manufacturers sell their aircraft to airlines of all sizes the ability to install engines from different manufacturers or with a single option .
For example :
The A320 may have the IAE V2500 or CFM -56 while 737 ( The best-selling aircraft in the world with 8000 units built and over 2000 pending deliveries ) generation only sold with the CFM -56 . Besides the possibility that companies have to instruct the aircraft with one engine or another , they can order new engines to renew powerplant older aircraft . The fact that the value of the contracts are so important and long- term (one aircraft is designed for 20-30 years and more , which means the same length of contract for new engines and spare parts ) creates intense competition between manufacturers , despite so few . This makes alliances between two or more manufacturers are believed to fight a third ( V2500 case against the CFM -56) or the development of new engines installed .
Another example is for the A380 , Airbus offers airlines two floors of different power : the Trent 900 Rolls- Royce and the GP7200 Engine Alliance ( company formed 50% by GEAE and P & W ) for the top to a enhanced 747 (now with the 747-8 GEnx engines) .
Adm : Agusdinger .
The aircraft engines are divided into three types: reciprocating engines, jet engines and turbo - propeller. The former are used mainly in sports aviation and small aircraft ; the latter are called '' jets '' and occupy the highest turnover in the aero industry . The last type of engines are turbo prop used in small commercial and military transport aircraft.
The aero-engine industry is mainly represented by three large companies worldwide :
• General Electric, G. E. , in the United States.
• Pratt and Whitney , P & W , in the U.S. and Canada .
• Rolls Royce , R & R , in the UK.
Also in the engine industry , as in the airline industry , there have been movements of integration - absorption and specific alliances in different programs obeying the need to share the huge costs to be assumed to maintain as high tech operating . The most significant and most recent were:
1. CFM International formed by General Electric and SNECMA to create family of CFM56 engines are a global market leader (1974 )
2 . International Aero Engines ( IAE ) formed by Pratt & Whitney , Rolls Royce , MTU Aero Enginnes Fiat and Japan to create family V2500 engine that equips the Airbus A319 , A320 and A321 and Boeing MD -90 ( 1983)
3 . Partnership GE , SNECMA , Fiat and IHI (Japan) to manufacture the GE90 , the most powerful aviation engine capable of producing (514 kN ) (1990 )
4. Purchasing Allison (USA) Rolls Royce ( 1995)
5. Engine Alliance formed by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney to create Family GP7000 engines , leading to the GP7200 engine for the Airbus A380 available (1996 )
6. Purchasing Honeywell- Allied Signal by G. E. The latter involves the creation of manufacturing group of more powerful engines in the world with the widest range of existing engines at present ( 2000)
7. Purchasing by SNECMA Turbomeca (2000 )
8. Creation of the SAFRAN group , resulting from the union of SAGEM and SNECMA Moteurs (2005 )
Some options for airlines
As to markets , major manufacturers sell their aircraft to airlines of all sizes the ability to install engines from different manufacturers or with a single option .
For example :
The A320 may have the IAE V2500 or CFM -56 while 737 ( The best-selling aircraft in the world with 8000 units built and over 2000 pending deliveries ) generation only sold with the CFM -56 . Besides the possibility that companies have to instruct the aircraft with one engine or another , they can order new engines to renew powerplant older aircraft . The fact that the value of the contracts are so important and long- term (one aircraft is designed for 20-30 years and more , which means the same length of contract for new engines and spare parts ) creates intense competition between manufacturers , despite so few . This makes alliances between two or more manufacturers are believed to fight a third ( V2500 case against the CFM -56) or the development of new engines installed .
Another example is for the A380 , Airbus offers airlines two floors of different power : the Trent 900 Rolls- Royce and the GP7200 Engine Alliance ( company formed 50% by GEAE and P & W ) for the top to a enhanced 747 (now with the 747-8 GEnx engines) .
Adm : Agusdinger .