(During last month Boeing announced in advance and surprisingly the new Boeing 737 MAX10, which was designed to compete with the A321NEO LR to fill the space left by the Boeing 757. This has been a theme for several years that is Who will fill again MoM (Market Medium)? This concept was conceived by Boeing in 2003 referring to the space between airplanes of narrow fuselage and those of wide fuselage. The ideal airplane that filled the space during the year was the Boeing 757 in its two variants 200 and 300, which were created in 1982 and 1999. The 757-200 was conceived as a complement to the Boeing 767 for medium range routes but with smaller Demand. This had a slow start but after the fuel crisis of this shot in sales occurred. Replacing planes like the 707, DC-8 and 707 that were more expensive to maintain and high fuel consumption.)
Este se mantuvo en producción desde 1982 hasta 2004 con 1049 unidades fabricadas. A pesar de ser un avión con tecnología de los años 80, este sigue volando día a día con aerolineas Charter, Low Cost y tradicionales como American y Delta. Luego que el combustible volviera a subir alrededor del 2002 el 757 incremento su capacidad usándose en rutas al interior de Estados Unidos y Transcontinentales.
Este cuenta con un rango de 7.250 KM.
(This is in production from 1982 to 2004 with 1049 units manufactured. Despite being a plane with the technology of the 80's, it continues flying day by day with Charter, Low Cost and traditional airlines like American and Delta. After that the fuel returned to raise around the year 2002 the 757 in its capacity to be used in routes to the interior of the United States and Transcontinental.
This has a range of 7,250 KM.)
En 2005 la FAA autorizo que se pudiera modificar el ala del 757 para colocar Wingtips y así permitir ahorro de combustible y mejoras aerodinámicas. Este tiene el tamaño justo ( Mas grande que el A321 y 737-900ER; y mas pequeño que el B787 y A330-200). La característica particular de este avion ademas de su ala aerodinámica, es que este avión posee dos tipo de planta motrices potentes como:
(In 2005 the FAA authorized that the wing of the 757 could be modified to place Wingtips and thus to allow fuel savings and aerodynamic improvements. This has the right size (larger than the A321 and 737-900ER, and smaller than the B787 and A330-200). The particular feature of this aircraft besides its aerodynamics, is that this aircraft has the type of powerful power plant such as:)
(Rolls-Royce RB-211)(179-193KN)
(Pratt & Whitney PW2000)(163-189KN)
Desde que este se dejo de fabricar el avión aun sigue volando día a día, incluso los aviones con mas de 27 años en servicio y continuando; American luego de su reestrucutracion los 757 mas antiguos los han retirado pero otros han sido renovados en el interior para asi volar mas.
Ante la antiguedad de este magnifico avion las aerolineras han pedido a gritos el sucesor de este la cual fue respondida por Airbus y Boeing con los siguientes aviones:
(Since this one stopped making the airplane still it continues flying day-by-day, even the airplanes with but of 27 years in service and continuing; American after its restructuring, the oldest 757 have retired but others have been renovated in the interior to fly more.
Before the age of this magnificent airplane the airlines have called a shout the successor of this one that was answered by Airbus and Boeing with the following airplanes:)
Boeing 737 MAX10:
En respuesta a las aerolíneas se presento el 737 Max 10 que esta basado en la familia 737MAX el cual esta basado en el 737NG pero con mejoras aerodinámicas, nuevos motores y reducción en consumo de combustible.
Pero el problema de este modelo es que el 737 fue originalmente diseñado para el mercado de corto alcanza y ahora se le ha modificado el diseño para así llenar el vacío que dejo el 757 y ademas competir con la familia A320. El MAX10 tiene una capacidad de 230 personas en una sola clase y 188 en 2 clases; ademas de contar con un rango de 5960 kilómetros. Este modelo cuenta con la nueva generación de motores como CFM LEAP(130KN) y un tanque de combustible extra. Pero aun así es un avión con potencia baja en comparación con el 757 ademas de su rango que es bajo comparado con el competidor directo el A321NEO LR y el 757.
(In response to the airlines was presented the 737 Maximum 10 that is based on the 737MAX family which is based on the 737NG but with aerodynamic improvements, new engines and reduced fuel consumption.
But the problem with this model is that the 737 was designed for the short circuit market and now the design has been modified to fill the gap that left the 757 and also compete with the A320 family. The MAX10 has a capacity of 230 people in one class and 188 in 2 classes; Besides having a range of 5960 kilometers. This model features the new generation of engines like CFM LEAP (130KN) and an extra fuel tank. But still it is a low power airplane compared to the 757 of its range which is low compared to the direct competitor the A321NEO LR and the 757.)
Airbus A321NEO LR:
(Airbus A321NEO)
Airbus respondiendo a la solicitud de las aerolineas para llenar el MoM que ha dejado el B757 presenta el A321NEO LR el cual esta basado en el A321 perteneciente a la familia A320 de corto a medio alcance.
Este es un A321 con un Winglet rediseñado ademas de contar con motores mas ecológicos como el PW1100G y el CFM LEAP. La diferencia entere un A321NEO y un A321NEO LR consiste en un mayor peso de despegue y dos tanques de combustibles extra. Este es el contrincante ideal para llenar el espacio que el 757 ha hecho difícil de llenar.
Pero este presenta desventajas:
Motores menos potentes, menor peso máximo de despegue lo cual hace que la aerolínea elija entre cantidad de pasajeros o rango.
Este posee una capacidad de 236 pasajeros en una cabina y 185 cabinas, con un rango de 7400KM con motores CFM LEAP 1(109-156KN) y Pratt & Whitney PW1100G (110-160KN).Ademas ambos aviones 737 MAX10 y A321NEO LR son aviones que originalmente eran de corto alcance los cuales han sido rediseñados para ser de medio alcance pero no cumplen de lleno en esto. Sin embargo el 757 fue diseñado para rutas de medio alcance con la capacidad de un avion de tamaño medio ayudando asi a aerolineas charter y de bajo coste a expandirse como es el caso de Thompson, Tuifly, Monach, JET2 entre otras.
Airbus that responded to the request of the airlines for the launch of the MMO that has left the B757 presents / displays the A321NEO LR which is based on the A321 belonging to the family A320 of short reach of the means.
This is an A321 with a redesigned Winglet in addition to having more environmentally friendly engines like the PW1100G and the CFM LEAP. The difference between an A321NEO and an A321NEO LR consists of a larger takeoff weight and two extra fuel tanks. This is the ideal opponent to fill the space that the 757 has made difficult to fill.
But this has disadvantages:
Less powerful engines, less maximum take-off weight which makes the airline choose between number of passengers or range.
It has a capacity of 236 passengers in a cabin and 185 cabins, with a 7400KM range with CFM LEAP 1 (109-156KN) and Pratt & Whitney PW1100G (110-160KN) engines.
In addition, both 737 MAX10 and A321NEO LR are aircraft that were short-range originals that were redesigned to be midrange but did not fully meet this. However, the 757 was designed for medium-range routes with the capacity of a medium-sized aircraft, thus helping airlines and the low cost to expand such as Thompson, Tuifly, Monach, JET2 among others.)
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